
Our achievements , in brief,,,

  1. The third place on the level of the kingdom and the second on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 1994 by the student, Maha Abdulhadi.
  2. The first place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 1995 by the student, Nadia Kharbat.
  3. fourth place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 1995 by the student, Aws Khanfar.
  4. The sixth place on the level of the kingdom and the third on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 1995 by the student, Ala’a Abdullah Noor Amany Judeh.
  5. The first place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 1996 by the student, Naghm Mahmoud Eid.
  6. The eigth place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 1998by the student, Maysoon Albadawi.
  7. The fourth place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 1999 by the student, Nada Abdulqader.
  8. tenth place on the level of the kingdom and the fourth on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 1999 by the student, Ashraf Dawood.
  9. ninth place on the level of the kingdom and the second on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 2000 by the student, Mohammad Abu Debseh.
  10. The sixth place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 2003 by the student, Rawan Zayed.
  11. first place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 2005 by the student, Rawand Haroon.
  12. fifth place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 2006 by the student, Aseel Zain. The fifth place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results by the student Hala Zaidan.
  13. The fifth place on the level of the kingdom and the first on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 2007 by the student, Hadeel Sharaf. The ninth place on the level of the kingdom and the fourth on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results by the student Ibaá Khuzaee.
  14. The sixth place on the level of the kingdom and the fourth on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 2008 by the student, Haneen Hamzeh.
  15. The fifth place on the level of the kingdom and the second on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 2010 by the student, Ibtisam Alfaqeeh. The seventh place on the level of the kingdom and the fourth on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results by the student Noor Sharaf.
  16. The ninth place on the level of the kingdom and the fifth on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results in 2012 by the student, Haneed Abdulrazaq. The ninth place on the level of the kingdom and the fourth on the level of the private education directorate in the general secondary examination results by the student Alaá Alqudah.
  17. The fourth place in the General Secondary Certificate Exam in 2018 achieved by Heba Abu Hayya .
  18. The third place on the level of the kingdom in the scientific branch achieved by Layan Aljuhari in 2019 
  19. An average of 99.7 in the scientific branch, achieved by Sufian Qutaishat in 2020.
  20. The second place in the competition of the Prophet’s Holy Hadith in 2016.
  21. second place in ( Al-Ola) competition of Arabic language in 2018 , 2020.
  22. The second place for the best video about environmental work on the level of the Directorate in 2016.
  23. The third place in the festival of the Schools’ Star in 2015 in Al-Aqaba.
  24. The first place in addition to gold medals for table tennis competitions from 2014 to 2019
  25. Starting Al-Oruba football academy. 
  26. The first place in the table tennis championship achieved by Raed Al-Dumaisi
  27. The third place in addition to the bronze medal achieved by Yamen Basem Alnaji on the level of Amman.
  28. Providing Amman Team and the Junior National Team for athletics with players from our school: Mohammad Khaldoun Alowaiwy ,Mohammd Salameh  and Raed Al-Dumaisi ( Table tennis ) 
  29. second place in the competition of the Prophet’s Holy Hadith (  the 40 sayings )  on the level of the Directorate achieved by Qusai Alotoum.