General Manager Speech to Alumni

The speech of the general manager to the alumni

In The Name Of Allah the Gracious and Most Merciful

Today, you will bid the secondary stage farewell to move ahead to new stage of your study, universities and colleges .

Be well mannered and ambassadors of goodwill  to your schools. Have faith in Allah the Almighty who is the source of our power and success and be equipped with knowledge and science which is the source of our advancement and civilization.

 The nation is the most precious book about which you will be tested. Therefore , play the tune of your lives on the strings of its love and loyalty. Remember your parents and be grateful to their staying up late for you and their care.  Finally , I would like to present you and your parents a bouquet of love and appreciation from all the workers and supervisors at your schools , and I wish for each one of you to be happy and successful and to be one day one of those who plant the seeds of faith and knowledge everywhere.

The general manager 

Naim Dahbour