Welcome Speech – KG

Welcome Speech - KG

The kindergarten was established in 1996/1997 and now is about to pass its 24th year of its long life following the most modern educational strategies and keeping in mind that the child is the focus of the educational process.

In the kindergarten we have appointed a teacher and an assistant in each classroom who are always in touch with the children in addition to teachers specialized in teaching English that has a special priority. Training courses are held by the school for all teachers to make them up to date with all that is modern in kindergarten in addition to attending specialised courses held by educational institutions.

There is a library in the kindergarten for children that contains a good number of books and stories in addition to the care for music and the curricular and extracurricular activities and trips that support the academic topics.

Finally , we hope that Alorouba kindergarten has left a positive  impression on our dear students’ personalities and instilled  in them the good values and morals to keep them up with all that emerges in the age of technology and information revolution so that they can do whatever task commissioned to them.